From quality documentation and IT systems to leveraging the usage of information and knowledge for the purpose of managing business performance
Very often in quality approaches, quality professionals have placed stress on documentation (or particularly on quality documentation). Often they have referred to requirements of ISO 9000 standards or quality award criteria. However, the real requirements for documentation come only from business needs, not from standards which are only guiding documents or general models for operations. Instead of quality documentation, one should consider the documentation needed by good business management as a whole. Practices for documentation for managing an organization have developed from passive and separate documents to dynamic and flexible systems for leveraging usage of information and knowledge in collaborative group work. Old solutions (which however are still used in many organizations) include:

Effective use of modern disruptive information technology gives completely new possibilities especially strengthening applications in the area of tacit knowledge that, in fact, covers the most important and biggest part of business knowledge. These new solutions include:
- Loose and fragmented paper documents
- Copied or printed manuals, procedure documents, record reports, and certificates
- Fragmented documents in information technology (IT) systems
- Semi-structured IT systems or intranets with variable share of Office and HTML documents
- Employees need to make more informed and consistent decisions.
- Employees are asked to complete more activities online.
- Intranet sites contain thousands of pages and continue to grow.
- Intranet pages must be continually updated.
- Employees must access information from multiple sources.
- Navigation through your organization's intranet becomes difficult.

Effective use of modern disruptive information technology gives completely new possibilities especially strengthening applications in the area of tacit knowledge that, in fact, covers the most important and biggest part of business knowledge. These new solutions include:
- Portals and portlettes
- Collaborative learning / group work and social networking infratructures
- A consistent view of the relevant business community
- Information organizing and searching capabilities
- Direct access to knowledge and resources
- Direct links to relative data and knowledge experts
- Individual identity and personalized access to content
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