Effective learning is the key for enhancing quality in management and leadership
Successful organizational management is based on right knowledge and managerial skills to use the knowledge for the current business needs. Organizational knowledge is particularly based on exchange of information between customers, employees, shareholders, suppliers, business partners, and the great public.
KWE consists of ability to lead knowledge workers into electronic work areas, where they work in collaboration to learn by building new knowledge. They have also all relevant explicit information easily available through related documents. The basic KWE tools include blog, wiki, aggregator, forums, and files that are based on modern proved social software and Web 2.0 technology. Software for the tools-components are from the open source software community that is the biggest resource in the world for developing software products. Open software is easy to modify and customize, and it provides rapid application development.
A practical and significant example of managerial learning environment is related to organization’s strategic management process. Strategic management is strongly knowledge-based collaborative and innovative activity, and typically involved by organization's board of directors, executing managers, selected experts, personnel and stakeholders' representatives. KWE provides a new innovative approach for integrating quality into a management system and in that way realizing also a modern "quality management system". In organizations, there is a lot of similar networked collaborative knowledge-intensive cooperation. Especially benefits of using the KWE approach are obvious in cases where participants are busy and geographically scattered and where arranging synchronous of physical meetings is difficult. Typical cases suitable for KWE include expert groups, e.g. product designers, HRM people, quality managers, maintenance people, project groups, process teams, supplier or customer networks, networked SME's, e.g. small cooperating consulting or expert companies, and networked learning in educational institutes.